Monday, August 25, 2014

Hello Everyone!

I am looking forward to an exciting week in science class! This week we will be dissecting earthworms and the highly anticipated squid! I am so excited to share these experiences with my students. Based on how much fun we had when we dissected gummy worms last week, I know we are going to have a blast! On Friday, we took our first quiz over the scientific method. The quiz consisted of 6 matching questions. The grading scale is as follows:

90-100 = 4
70-89 = 3
50-69 = 2
49-1 = 1
0 = 0

Due to the nature of the quiz and the grading scale, if students missed one they inevitably missed another and ended up with a low score. For example, students who got 4/6 correct (67%)  received a 2. If your child scored a 2 or below, I wrote on their paper to study and re-take the quiz. I will give them another opportunity to retake the quiz tomorrow. I wanted to clarify the grades, since this is a new system we will all be adjusting to. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. With that being said, please encourage your child to study their scientific method foldable on pg. 4 tonight if needed.

Homeroom/Common Core (8/25/14-8/29/14)

This week we will begin spelling in our homeroom. Our spelling test will be on Friday and the words are as follows:

1. sum
2. flat
3. plum
4. bell
5. grim
6. plot
7. band
8. bluff
9. dock
10. blot
11. odd
12. left
13. cash
14. mill
15. past
16. shelf
17. wealth
18. crunch
19. hint
20. build
Challenge Words
21. hypothesis
22. character
23. setting
24. period
25. value

Again, if you need anything from me please let me know! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Taylor

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week of 8/18-8/22

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to check in and let everyone know what is going on in our classroom this week. We are diving straight into content! We will begin by learning about the scientific method, something we will use very often throughout the year in our classroom. We have several fun things planned that I know everyone will love. I originally thought that I would use this website to update nightly with homework. However, after talking with the other teachers on our team, we will use the website to keep you updated about what we are doing in class and use it for important reminders as needed. In addition, we will also send out remind101 text if it is very important. 

In regards to homework assignments, students will keep track of homework assignments on their planner sheet. The planner sheet is located on the back of the weekly discipline sheet and is kept on the back side of the red folder. Whenever students have a homework assignment, they will be required to write it down on their planner sheet and will be given the time to do so in class. This will be a great way for students to become more responsible. I hope you will encourage them to reference their planner sheet at home. 

Also, every Friday the weekly discipline sheet will be sent home with students and will need to be returned the following Monday with a parent signature. You may notice that your child still has his/hers in their folder tonight. Since I was out on Friday, I gave students the opportunity to take them home again tonight to get them signed. I will take up all of the signed papers tomorrow.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me and I will help you in any way that I can. 

Thank you and have a great week! 

Mrs. Taylor

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Week Update

Hello again!

 We have been working in our homeroom classes this week getting to know each other and going over important procedures for the school year. Tomorrow (Thursday), we will practice switching classes and will go to each of our block classes for around 30 minutes each class so that students can meet the rest of our team and become familiar with their daily schedule. On Friday, we will follow our normal class schedule all day long so that we can start out on Monday the way we will every day this year. 

Unfortunately, I will not be in class on Thursday and Friday. I recently lost my brother in a freak accident and will be out of town attending a memorial for him at his military base. I'm sad that I have to miss in the first week of school, but know that my students will be in great hands with plenty of fun things that I left for them to do while I'm away. I look forward to getting back on Monday and seeing their smiling faces. I consider each of them as a blessing to me during such a difficult time in my life. I can wait to watch them grow and progress throughout the year. Based on the last three days, I know great things are in store for each of them! If you need anything before Monday, send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and have a wonderful day! 

Mrs. Taylor

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hello Everyone!

We had a great first day a Corbin Elementary! I hope you and your child had a great transition this morning and this afternoon. The only thing that needs to be completed for tomorrow is the brown bag assignment that I sent home with students today. If you have not sent back the paperwork that was sent home along with the $30 supply fee, please send them when you have the chance. If you need to contact me you can call or e-mail me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also please make sure your child has their red folder and brings it to school each day. Here is a video that I shared with the students today from the kid president. I hope you enjoy!